Max is always ready to move as fast as I can. |
The equinox is upon us. Summer is gone. Although I hate to see time fly, I'm always happy to see the change of seasons, especially summer into fall, which is the most beautiful time of year in Virginia.
The pawpaw fruit is gone, eaten by squirrel, possum, fox, raccoon and maybe even a bear, its seed scattered throughout the forest. Harvest of the acorns continues in earnest as food will become scarce from now until spring.
Trooper, right next to my leg |
I'm happy to contemplate the drop in temperatures, but the fact that night dominates day from this point forward is less attractive. I'll need to adjust my schedule because evening hikes are no longer a possibility. Today I started work early, finished by about 2:00 p.m. and hit the trails for a series of three walks.
First up was Maya, Trooper, and Max for three miles. That was enough for Trooper so I dropped him off at home and picked up Theo to take his place. Max and Maya handled another three miles easily, along with Theo, and then I brought all three back home and took out Summer and Mickey for another two miles.
Maya, Trooper, and Max |
Although it was mile 7 and 8 for me, they were the fastest two miles that I logged today, which was appropriate for the first day of autumn, marking the transition from hot and slow summer to the cooler temps and faster times of fall and winter.
In another month the river will be easily visible from here. |
Maya, Max, and Theo |
Beautiful berries, I don't know what. |
This trail-side memorial appeared a few weeks ago honoring a man with the initials JLB. The inscription reads: "He loved biking the trails." I'm not a fan or adherent of the lower case "t" religion, but I think this is nice and tasteful. I didn't know the man but I may well have encountered him. The dogs and I remember him every time we pass. |
Theo and Max |
Summer and Mickey |