Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The downsizing process

I know that there are people who uproot themselves and move their lives frequently, usually for reasons related to family or employment. I am not one of those people. I don't need both hands to count off the number of addresses that I've had in my life, including places I lived as a transitory student. Putting down roots means collecting stuff, putting nails in the walls because you own them, and modifying things to fit wants and needs. 

Most people at some point are faced with a downsizing event. Very often it's done out of necessity rather than by choice. Ours is a bit of both. I'm looking at having a surgical repair of a rotator cuff injury that I sustained in a fall back in January. I'm simply not capable of doing spring planting, maintenance, and yard work as I have done for the past 25 years in this house. There's also a lot of "deferred maintenance" needed around here that I'm ashamed to say that I've let slide, and now I'm just not really capable of doing it even if I had the necessary skills. 

Injury aside, we haven't been able to buy anything in years because we just don't have room. Living in this house the last few years has felt like we were being pushed into smaller and smaller space because of the build up of stuff all around us. Our current plan is to sell everything that we can, take only the bare necessities, and keep what we must in storage, to be gradually reduced as we travel back here for visits. Although the injury helped me come to terms with the decision, I am glad to be making this move by choice while we still have the choice to make.

We've been sorting, organizing, selling, donating, and tossing out accumulated stuff pretty steadily over the last couple of months. Today an auction house came and removed a lot of the household furnishings, particularly the antiques that we've collected over the years. It hasn't been easy, but it hasn't been entirely tragic either. For one thing, we've seen, touched, and re-discovered many things around here that we haven't actually seen in years. Lots of memories, most of them good. And the process has been rather liberating in a way. I feel lighter, less tied down, unburdened by material things as they leave. When we first made selections about what to keep, it felt good knowing that I had that option. However, as we are a little further along in the process, I've found that I am now able to part with many things that were initially in the "keep" pile. 

Pictures are from Tuesday's 2.5 mile walk with Bailey.

One of the things I ran across yesterday was a small piece of paper torn from a daily calendar from 1996. It contained the first verse of a poem by Rupert Brooke that I had kept in memory of our little dog Vito, pictured below.

All in the town were still asleep,
When the sun came up with shout and a leap.
In the lonely streets unseen by man, 
A little dog danced. And the day began.

I'm posting it here now so I can throw away the piece of paper.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Dogs and dog stuff

We didn't get out for a hike today but I did take everyone out to the pasture in the afternoon. I also got some nice pictures of dogs indoors today too. 

We are downsizing in preparation for the move and that means I have a LOT of dog stuff to move. I've already cleared out a lot but there is much more yet to come. I've posted a few pictures below. If it's anything you can use, it's yours, just let me know.

Bailey and Elvis


Elvis and Paisley


Today's pasture pictures:

I got more pictures of Woody than anyone else today because he stuck with me every step of the way.
This dog is really wanting to bond with a human.

SweetTart was not a good match for her new home so she is back.
Woody was very happy to have her back.


More of Woody

Elektra was more independent out there today. 

Woody and Bailey playing

Elvis running like he was missing out on something.

Elvis and Woody

Bailey with both ears UP.

These are just a few things from around the house and yard that a dog person might want.

These are two nice acrylic blankets. The one on the right I bought at Costco as a queen size bed spread. The one on the left is thicker, more the size of a throw. Either would be good for dogs. 


Large igloo doghouse

I have three of these, they are sort of an outdoor rug, about 6'x8'.

Crates, large and larger. I also have two Dane-size crates in my office.

Two exercise pens

I've also still got a large bag of puppy toys.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

End of the weekend

Saturday morning I had another training class with Bailey. She did very well, of course, but I failed to get any pictures. 


Saturday early afternoon I took three dogs back to Green Dogs for a vet visit. Elektra is a big girl now so she got her first rabies vaccine, as well as a dose of wormer. I held Woody in a big hug while the vet drew blood for a heartworm test. And Candace got a rabies vaccine that was due. There was a big crowd of people and lots of other dogs and everyone handled it all very well.

Mid-afternoon on Saturday I took Bailey and Ted up to Pleasant Grove for a hike. I forgot my phone and would have gotten no pictures at all, but just as we arrived Jan and Paul drove up having just finished their own hike. Paul took a few pictures for me. Saturday was a gorgeous afternoon and there were lots of people in the park, including bikers and horseback riders, but we only encountered one person on our hike, which was probably about 2.5 miles.


Bailey is focused on a group of three or four horses that were nearby.

Sunday morning I took Woody and Elektra for a three mile hike. Elektra doesn't like to go places but she enjoyed the walk once we arrived. We need to work on her.

Sunday afternoon Clay and I took Bailey on another training walk on the downtown mall. She was more confident there today. And once again I failed to take any pictures.

After the mall walk we picked up some Chinese carryout and went to Decipher to eat it with a beer. She met several new people there and did well, but barked at one very nice man, I think because he got down at her level too close to her face. Progress was made but we still have room to grow and improve.