Friday, July 24, 2009
Two kinds of people
The term "generous" is best represented by the response to Rocky. I don't limit the definition of "generous" to anything financial. It means generous of spirit, giving, offering anything one can do to help. Rocky brought out the generosity in many people who were touched by his plight. He has had vets and vet staff going out of their way and well above the call of duty to help him. He has had financial assistance from people who have never met him. He has moved people to offer to help him, and me, in any way that they can.
In my mind the opposite of "generous" is "petty." Petty meaning small, mean-spirited, selfish. Unfortunately, there are petty people in rescue as well. One such person is actually a board member with Virginia German Shepherd Rescue. The rescue has been working on developing a new website. One of the people on our board was unhappy with the option that we chose for the new website. Because of her pettiness, she has done everything possible to disrupt and derail the process. She has colluded with another woman who has effectively held our website and domain name hostage in order to get what she wants. The two of them have created so much controversy and unrest that we have lost volunteers and have even lost our president. Now, neither of these bitches does one damn thing to help a dog. They don't foster, they don't transport, they don't do a thing that requires getting off their fat asses. What matters to them is not a dog like Rocky, it is nothing but their own ego.
The result of this controversy will probably be the demise of VGSR as an effective organization. The departure of our president was just the beginning of the end. Soon all that will be left are a bunch of bitches who view VGSR as a social club. Because they don't actually foster, all they will do is sit behind a table and sell t-shirts on a Sunday afternoon.
p.s. I called to check on Rocky and was told that he's doing well at the vet hospital where he's boarding.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
City dogs
There are the early morning dog walks with owners, generally just a short one to take care of business. Then, about midday, I'm seeing a lot of paid dog walkers, probably would-be actors and dancers trying to pay the bills. In the evenings after work is when we see the most dogs with owners, getting out and about for a good time. Then again late evening, everyone does a quick business walk before bedtime.
I think about how our own dogs would handle city life. Emmylou would love it, people everywhere, and she would want to greet and speak with all of them. Cabell would like it too, although not quite as enthusiastically. Molly would be terrified being surrounded by nothing but concrete, buildings, and cars. She's not happy unless she's got grass under her feet and room to run. Bremo would side with Molly. He's led a very sheltered life at our house and knows nothing of the outside world and cares about it even less. Gypsy would hate it because there is too much going on that she couldn't control and people would be constantly violating her personal privacy zone, coming too close to her and her dad. Zachary wouldn't know what to think, but he'd be happy is Clay was around.
There are lots of small breed dogs as one would expect for city dwellers. But I've also seen ridgebacks and standard poodles. Among decent sized dogs, the most common breed I've seen here in mid-town Manhattan is the Bulldog. With their short legs and low key demeanor, they are probably pretty easy to exercise and happy being couch potatoes. I've seen more unneutered dogs than expected, and I'm not too happy about that, it just goes to show that the south doesn't have a monopoly on ignorance.
51 going on 15
We lounged about, cooked out, swam in the lake, and I spent a couple of hours paddling a kayak up and down the lake. Later in the afternoon, one of Hugh's neighbors came by with his motorboat and took us for a ride. I mentioned that I used to water ski and he asked me if I'd like to do so again. I said "yes" before I could think better of it and soon found myself in the water fumbling with skis, a tow rope, and trying to get myself into position behind the boat. This was the first time since I was a teenager that I had tried to ski. I was never an expert, but I had grown up skiing and had always enjoyed it. As I sat in the water waiting for the boat to get into position, my arms already sore from two hours of kayaking, I was just hoping not to embarrass myself.
The driver was skillful, the boat very powerful, and I soon found myself on my feet skiing again for the first time in well over 30 years. Like riding a bike, the muscle memory came instantaneously and I found that I could balance and control my movements. What didn't come back immediately was my nerve. Teenagers don't think, and it serves them well. I had a brief thought about the consequences of falling for an old guy with minimal health insurance, but the sheer exhileration of skiing again quickly put that thought out of my mind. I moved back and forth, waved to passersby, and finally jumped the wake when we got back near to Hugh's dock. My arms felt like they were 3" longer and made of rubber, and I had to swim back to the dock because I couldn't pull myself back up into the boat, but every moment of it was pure fun.
I felt like a kid again for a short time, but later have wondered if I've lost the ability to have fun.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Out of town, but not out of touch

Bear is a beautiful German Shepherd adopted by two guys who already had two, much smaller, female dogs. Bear is a gentle soul, however, and has fit in very well in his new home. Here's the news that came along with this picture of Bear on a boat:
It has been almost six months since we adopted Bear on February 1st. I can honestly say that he is fully integrated into the pack, both human and canine. Bear is thriving in his new home and is bonded with both canine sisters. He still loves all toys, especially tennis balls, often two in his mouth at a time. He loves his corner of the bedroom with both a large padded crate and XL luxury dog bed beside it and he uses both. His only bad habit is trying to chase the many deer and foxes (while on lease) on daily neighborhood walks in Potomac. He loves car rides to his almost daily excursions to the Shirlington dog park and C&O Canal towpath. He is also becoming very well trip to the beach at Kiawah Island, SC; two trips to Pittsburgh, two trips to Michigan, and all over metro DC. And he has learned to swim...very quickly...and loves it. With regular food, grooming and exercise, his coloring is improving with less Tan and more Red. Bear is a fantastic dog and we love him dearly!!!

Just wanted to give you an update on how much we are enjoying Viktor.(He had a minor name change thanks to a German-speaking friend). Hehas really settled in now and is just about the most fun GSD you canimagine. He has quite an intense ball drive and is always up for agame of ball... he loves to practice his Willie Mays over-the-shouldercatches in our unfinished basement. He is also very affectionate,gives kisses with abandon, and will cuddle and wrestle as well. He isquite a talker and loves to proclaim his excitement, happiness, youname it, with different intonations. His bark adds quite a sound tothe doorbell.His health is great and he is quite athletic and trim at 80 pounds.His fur gives the impression of a much larger dog. His coat is lovelyand lustrous now and his striking appearance is always attracting moreadoring fans as we walk through the neighborhood. I always tellpeople that this gorgeous, well-mannered dog is a rescue from VGSR.He usually gets 4 walks a day and has excellent leash manners. Aneighbor told me that his midday walker proclaimed him her "favorite"and usually they run for a few blocks, which he loves.Viktor also has fans in the dog world, but will respond to anyaggressive dog in kind and frankly thinks it would be a blast to playrough at all times... not really out of malice, but for the fun of it. But, he has learned to turn the other cheek, either strolling calmlyby a barking dog or waiting in a "down" whether they pass or staynearby. (We have a lot of "assertive" males on the block so he getspractice at this.) He has learned to sit before all new introductionsand that helps him get started on his gentle side.Viktor does have a serious side and is obedient and very protective ofhis home and people. But as he's settled in, his goofy and playfulside have really come out. He is a tons of fun!We appreciate all the good work you do for GSDs and thank you forbringing Viktor into our lives!
Finally, here's a video of Tippy and her new big brother, Mo, sent in by Tippy's new home. The video isn't the best, but it clearly shows two happy dogs at play.
That's it for now, folks. Send me your pics and stories so I'll have something to post for the next week or so. I can't promise I'll be able to use them all, but I'll love hearing from you anyway.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Second Chances
We also had a visit from Tippy's new family. She is looking really good and really happy.

I received this photo of Jake, a former foster, who has a mom and grandparents who dote on him. Jake was a trailer park dog who was dumped so his owners could raise pit pulls to support their meth habit. Jake was always a happy dog, but now he has a real reason to be happy. It was one year ago that he was adopted.
Here is a picture of the recently-adopted Justin and his new brother cooling off during a hike. Justin and Jake (above) both went to homes of people who had previously adopted from me. They are really, really lucky dogs.
Someone else walked into the vet's office and paid a big chunk of the rescue's bill for Rocky. We can't thank you enough.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Beautiful Buckley

Although I always stress that it is not a first-come, first-served process, in this case I liked the first people I talked to today and I didn't see the need to look any further. They are experienced dog owners, including a prior shepherd. Their children are grown and away from home. They have a large suburban yard and a 6' fence. They bought him good food and a nice size crate.
With everything going on this week, I really didn't have a chance to spend much time with Buckley. He is low-key and not nearly as demanding as many shepherds. We probably won't remember each other in six months, but that's ok. I wish they all were this easy and got adopted this quickly. I probably disappointed a number of people by moving him so quickly before some of them got a chance to meet him. That's ok too, this isn't a people-service activity, it's all about the dogs. The quicker he gets into a good home, the better off he will be, and besides, it's one less dog I'll have to board when we go away this next week. I'm particularly glad he got adopted before these pictures, taken today, hit the website. I would have been flooded with inquiries.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The kindness of strangers
This smile is for you.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rocky update
Whenever I've had a profoundly sick dog in the house our own 6 household dogs instinctively know he's sick and pretty much leave him alone. That is proving to be the case with Rocky as well. Gypsy would probably still prefer that I take up scrapbooking as a hobby, but I hope she knows that these dogs need her dad's help.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Why I don't own a gun (WARNING: DISTURBING)
Rocky has no hair on his chest or belly. He has deep and wide lacerations on his face and neck. His ear canals are fused completely closed. Rocky is the result of a breeder who breeds and sells dogs indiscriminately, and maybe even felt that the
The rural puppy mills run by Amish and Mennonite families in the Shenandoah Valley as a cash crop could well have been the birthplace of Rocky, or any other white trash family in rural VA trying to make a buck off their dog.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Behind the scenes
Friday, July 3, 2009
The DART rolls again
Thursday, July 2, 2009
He's on oral antibiotics and a powder that dries up the raw area so it can heal. To stop him from scratching, the vet suggested a t-shirt. Surprisingly, Clay got it on him and he didn't really seem to mind it. Bremo likes any form of attention, petting, or any physical contact. Rottweilers are very tactile creatures. But the t-shirt didn't really cover the spot, which is on his neck rather than his chest. Maybe a turtleneck would have worked, but instead we just cut the sleeve off the t-shirt and slipped that over his head.