Gigi modeling her new coat. |
I sat down today and made a list of dogs I needed to accomodate in some way for the next week while were are gone. I came up with a list of 15 and panic set in. The worst of it is that two of them are dogs that I don't even have yet. One was coming this evening but that person backed out at the last minute. I can't say that I'm sorry. That gets us down to 14, plus Daphne who is just here for the weekend, but I'm not counting her because she will be back in her home before we leave.
It was just too much for me to figure out in my head, I needed to sit down and do the math.
Bremo is happy as long as his routine
isn't disturbed too much. |
Clay and I went to town, braved the geeks at Best Buy and bought a new camera. It's actually a christmas present from my mother. (These pics were still taken with my phone.) Then we went to Beer Run for beer, food, and to make lists and plans for who goes where.
Here's how it shakes out: Cabell, Bremo, Zachary, and Gigi stay at home. A house/dog sitter will take care of them. Sparky, Gypsy Jr., Lana, and Riley go to Kennel A. Trooper, Aja*, Hank**, and Hercules (incoming dog on Sunday) will go to Kennel B. Vince goes to his special home away from home. Lady comes to Kentucky with us.
* I may still get Aja into another foster home; she really needs to stay on her medication and her foot seems to be bothering her tonight.
Aja is still very keen on the ball. |
** Hank will hopefully going to his new home rather than to a kennel, if we can work out the logistics.
Lady will come with us. As far as I
know, she's never been to Kentucky. |
I think that's everyone. I've got to get packets of food and meds together for about six dogs.
Aja with a hard plastic ball. This one
she can't carry; she pushes it with her nose. |
Gigi with Zachary, Aja on the far left |
It wasn't long before Trooper began
pulling Gigi's coat off of her, so I
removed it to save it. |