Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This and that

The Fearsome Foursome: Max, Maya, Theo, and Trooper
Only Trooper would turn to look at me, everyone else was
intent on looking for something.

Trooper on the bed. He just doesn't look very
fierce this way.

Max, Maya, Theo

Gigi out on a three mile hike a couple days ago.
When I was preparing to go today, she came
down and I picked up her walking collar and
asked if she wanted to come. She turned around
and ran back upstairs to the bedroom.

Maya, Summer, and Gigi

Mickey, Maya, and Theo


My little girl

Even more amazing than Jasso running, is the
fact that he can roll over on his back and twist
himself around to scratch himself. A few days
ago he could barely walk.
Jasso runs to breakfast and runs after his ball.

Trooper, Max, Maya, and Summer

I love walking three or four at a time, and it's a good thing
because now everyone wants to go for a walk.

Trooper can do 4 or 5 miles now, the cooler
weather helps us all. 

He's now known as Theo the Great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that Jasso is continuing to improve under your care. He already looks like a different dog.