I brought the pups out one at a time, starting with Baron. He is pure puppy, playful and fearless. |
There is an adult female shepherd in this home who appears in many of the pics. |
I missed National Puppy Day by 24 hours, apparently, but they don't have access to Facebook so they will never know. I took the two Green Dogs shepherd pups, Alex and Baron, to meet a potential adopter today. We have another meeting tomorrow, and some other interested applicants, so I hope to have these two placed soon.
The girl was very welcoming, not bitchy at all, and wanted to play right away. |
Only Baron's face is in focus in this picture. It was a cloudy day so the light was poor and the dogs were constantly moving. |
Baron played very appropriately. |
He would certainly keep her exercised and active. |
As I anticipated, Alex was a bit shy at first and slower to shift into play mode. |
He got the hang of it before long, however. |
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