I just took Maya and TJ. They are very easy walkers; they know the program and they follow it. I don't have to do much leash handling with those two. TJ is very adept at avoiding entanglements and fixing it himself if the lease gets under his own legs. Maya is wearing a harness now and the leash attachment on the back avoids many problems.
TJ is shedding like, well, like a husky. The fur is flying off that dog. I've been using a brush and vacuum on him simultaneously, and it helps, but he's not fond of it. |
It was a good walk. Even three miles is enough to make my legs and back feel better, and to adjust my attitude.
Griffin and Carly spent most of the day up in my office, crated. They have been really good about it. Griff seems to be feeling fine and he ate all the food I offered both morning and evening. Carly was still barfing up a bit of water this morning and she didn't touch her food. I didn't offer her any in the evening, but I expect she will be eating again tomorrow morning. She acts normal, I think the anesthesia just caused her quite a bit of stomach upset. I gave both of them some time in the AC when it was sunny out there this afternoon as a break from the crates. The biggest problem is keeping them apart from TJ and Maya, but they are getting used to them being in the house now so I don't anticipate any real problem.