I took in Rex quite a while ago because he needed heartworm treatment. That takes several months now but it was finally done and he had no complications. A complication developed in the adoption process, however, when we learned that Rex needed to be placed in a home without children. I'm not really sure what had happened in the past or if it was still relevant to the current Rex, but it's one of those chances that we prefer not to take.
Rex found a tennis ball indoors and worked on it very intently until he had it in pieces. |
Rex had an interested adopter earlier, but he wasn't able to adopt earlier. As it happened the timing worked out now for both dog and adopter and we made it happen today. The adopter has adopted two shepherds from me in the past and still has one of them, although he's now a senior. Rex will have to learn some of the old dog's rules, but I think they should be able to work it out.
Rex found plenty of toys around the new house and the senior dog had no interest in them, so that should keep Rex entertained without it being a point of contention between the two dogs. It's a very dog-friendly home. Rex has his own sofa, he just needs to learn to stay off the other one because it belongs to the senior dog.
It's a good gig for Rex and his adoption is good for Griffin too. Griff is the deaf white boxer I've had for a while with no adoption prospects. I have been keeping him with Rex but with Rex gone I'll keep Griff closer to me and begin to work with him a bit in the hope of making him more adoptable.
Any toy he finds will be thoroughly tested. |
I just took a few pictures of Rex sitting on his sofa in his new home while he chewed on tennis ball.
The toughest part of any adoption is leaving without the dog, but that is the objective. It's a good home for Rex and I wish the best for Rex and his new home.
He wanted the ball back, but he didn't want to leave his spot on the sofa to get it. Eventually he put his front legs on the floor and reached the ball without getting completely off the sofa. |
This is Rex looking at the ball he had dropped. |