Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Non-puppy pics

A recent development that I've been very
happy to see is Della and Maya playing.
There will be more puppy pictures, I promise. I have a ton of them. Too many really; they will take some time to go through and edit. For now I've pulled out some recent shots of the other dogs.
Maya has been queen around here for quite a while and
I was a little concerned about how she'd take to Della.
Maya is not so much a natural alpha, she just stepped up
to the role to fill a void. Della is the real thing, I think, so
I was afraid the girls would clash. I've made it clear to
Della that Maya is important and the girls seem to have
come to an understanding. 

This is our average weekly load of trash to take to the dump
since we've had puppies, about 7-8 large bags, plus a few
odds and ends. Before puppies I only went to the dump once
every six weeks or so.

Della and Zeus

Della, Zeus, Max, Serena, and Theo


Hanging in the shade while I mow.

Zeus is pretty well integrated with the pack now. I crate him
at night indoors still. I can take him to the pasture with the
others, but after a while he leaves and is generally found back
at the house wanting in. I don't think he's really looking to run
off, but a four foot fence won't actually contain him.

Della runs in the pasture, staying pretty near me when I mow.
Max does too, most of the time. The other dogs think mowing
is boring and go off and do their own thing, usually laying in
the shade, watching from a distance.

Max and Serena. Serena does not like the mower and keeps
a good distance away.

Della, Max, and Serena.

I do like seeing these two girls run and play together.


Sam K. said...

It's great seeing Della get along with the pack so well! And it appears that in the last picture she "has her curlers in" as I like to say, when their ears are flipped back 😁

Byron's Mom said...

While I always love seeing all your pics, there is something really sweet, watching your pack return to their new normal! I have watched and read about your puppy journey and am in awe of all that you and Clay did. I hope there are some quiet moments, maybe an extended weekend away and copious amounts of tasty beer to enjoy in the coming weeks! You both deserve it! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a happy pack of dogs, with or without the puppies.