Thursday, September 12, 2019

Memories from Della's Beer Garden

There's a folder full of pictures sitting on my desktop that I haven't used. They are puppy pictures, of course, mostly taken in Della's Beer Garden, either during the mornings when I sat out there alone or during the evenings when adopters came to socialize with their pups.

The puppies are 13 weeks old today. I miss them, but they are where they need to be now. They are all doing well in their new homes and learning lots. If they were still here, I'd be raising wildlings.

Looking back on the experience now, I can no longer smell the poop or feel their teeth and nails. Good memories always outlast the bad.

Serena meeting Killian.

Being able to climb into these chairs was a
proud moment for every pup.

A traffic backup on the ramp.

Della trying to share some parenting tips with Erika,
knock them down with your paw then put their head in your 

mouth while whispering:
 "I brought you into this world and I can take you out."

Without something in the picture as a size reference, you 
could almost mistake Carlsberg here for Della.

This picture was probably an accident, but their feet are
so damn cute I saved it anyway.

If the puppies turn out even half as nice as Della, they will be wonderful dogs.

Busy puppies

Clay's mom with Peroni.

Really, they are going for the ice, not the beer.

Towards the end this bed would only hold three of them comfortably,
but comfort often took a backseat to togetherness.

I do kind of miss the puppy kisses.

I don't care how big this girl gets, I will always pick her
up if she asks for it like this.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those faces!! Thanks for sharing.


JoAnn Fawley said...

Always appreciate the time you take to post to your blog. Thank you for sharing.
JoAnn friend of Jan and Paul

JoAnnF. said...

Thank you for sharing these very special moments with all of us.
JoAnn friend of Jan and Paul

JoAnnF. said...

Thank you for sharing these very special moments with all of us.
JoAnn friend of Jan and Paul

JoAnnF. said...

Thank you for sharing these very special moments with all of us.
JoAnn friend of Jan and Paul