Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sun and solid ground

This was the kind of winter day that I like. The sun was shining but it was cold enough overnight to freeze up the muddy ground. It melted where the sun hit it today but starting out this morning everything was firm and freeze dried. We had Mo-Dean and Rorschach again today, but it was nice enough that they spent most of the day in the dog yard with Theo and Max, and then they all went out to the pasture for a romp along with Serena and Della.

On the left is Serena followed by Della. In the center is Rorschach (formerly Galaxy) and
of the right is Mo-Dean (formerly Allagash).

Della and Rorschach

Theo the Great

Running Rorschach


Della and one of her boy pups, Mo-Dean

Max and his stick friend

I took Maya and Trooper out for a walk to catch the late day sun for some portrait shots of Trooper. He was very happy to be going and we took it slow and kept it under two miles. Still, that included one of the field trails and a section of woodland trail to make it an interesting walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is something so endearing about Trooper.. it must be those ears! I can see why he's a favorite of Maya's.
