Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Maya and Della Walk

It was a pretty day. The sun was shining but it wasn't doing much to warm or dry the muddy ground. This summer was so dry that a lot of the grass died back leaving bare dirt which is now just mud. This winter is going to be muddier than usual. I need to get straw and build some more wooden paths.

I kept all the dogs inside again today, except Max who was out in Denmark (a/k/a Daneland). They get bored and they track in plenty of mud from their occasional forays in the yard, but they don't get as thoroughly muddy as they would being outside in the dog yard for much of the day.

I finished work early enough to get Maya and Della out for a two mile walk at Pleasant Grove. We just walked the roadway because the trails were muddy, but we had the place to ourselves and had a nice walk.

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