Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Thank you

We are just at the beginning of what will be about 10 weeks of puppy raising, if everything goes right. Lots of folks will help along the way, but I wanted to stop here and say thank you to everyone for all the help and support provided or to be provided over the next 10 weeks. 

The response has been tremendous and heartwarming. There are plenty of good people out there still and that's a reminder that I need from time to time when we hear so much about bad people and far too little of the good. People have donated cash, food, and supplies, all of which will be put to good use, I assure you. If we happen to have more than we need of a particular item right now, there is always the "next dog" who will come along and benefit from it. Nothing in rescue goes to waste, it all goes to need.

Erika asked me about organizing meal donations for us, and I'm really hesitant to accept that, besides, doesn't she have enough to organize without this too? She pushed me on it, saying that people wanted to help and really it is a great help, although both Clay and I could afford to join Melly on the meager rations of her green bean diet plan for a few weeks. (She is dropping weight on it, I'm actually getting jealous.) Anyway, thank you to those of you who have chosen to help in that way too.

Also, thank you to everyone who likes, comments, and shares posts about these pups. We don't yet know how this story will end, but it's nice to be going through it with so many of you. 

Allison with her puppies

These pics just show some of the boxes of supplies that have been delivered.
Not included are things bought locally and delivered, donated by local merchants,
and things are shipped directly to our house.

I wish I could tell Allison how many people love her and are supporting her and her puppies.

It looks like she's using the puppy (Elliot) as a pillow, but 
it's more likely that he crawled and pushed himself into this position.

She hardly gets up for any reason. I even feed her in bed 
so she doesn't need to leave the puppies.

On behalf of Allison and 
Susan, Harriet, Sojourner, Dolly, Rosa, Malala, Amelia, Eleanor, Ruth, and Elliot, 
thank you.


Unknown said...

Such a hard job! You are an angel Brent! She is a good Mama Dog too. I posted on your FB page. WE adopted Blue who lived to be 11.5 years old..he just left us in June and crossed that rainbow bridge. This new chance at life for all of these pups reminds me so much of Blue's story. You will give these pups a new lease on life and find them all great homes! ...and you may give some humans the joy of these great dogs. Keep us posted on your fantastic work! Stay safe!!!! Heather Anne.

Anonymous said...

Please post a wish list so we can all see what you need or want.

Unknown said...

Love seeing all the pictures and updates! Such a good Momma…bless you all for giving her and those sweet babies a new beginning and a happy future! We are the proud parents of one of the ‘22’ y’all rescued two years ago…and we can’t imagine our lives without her! Thank you for all you do for these sweet fur-babies!

MaineMuttMansion said...

Those are the luckiest pups....not to mention mom! I feed my new moms in bed too the first two weeks. You and Clay are the best!!