Friday, September 3, 2021

Lexie: a pup but not a puppy

Some people want a puppy because they want in on the ground floor, to influence the dog's development and to see them grow into that lifelong companion they want to have. But the fact of the matter is that it's hard to have a puppy unless you are home all the time and have a nearly limitless supply of energy and patience, and nothing else to do. I think a good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn't want to deal with a human baby, a puppy is not for you either. Enter Lexie, the perfect dog for someone like that.

She's still a pup in many ways. She likes puppy toys and probably never had a chance to play with them when she was very young. She's cute, she's cuddly, and will roll over on her back for belly rubs. She's still got a lot to learn so there's plenty of opportunity to influence the dog she will become, to make her your own. But, she's past most of the annoying puppy stuff. She knows where to poop and pee, she can be left home alone in a crate, she's past the teething stage where they destroy everything. She's still mischievous, that's the husky in her, compounded by her gender. She will challenge you plenty and maybe even frustrate you at times. Believe me, the smart ones always do. Gypsy, Maya, and Della, to name three of my own, have made me crazy at times, but I wouldn't trade them for the world because our bond was forged and tempered in blood, sweat, and tears. I truly believe that the challenges that a dog presents is where the human/canine bond is formed. 

All Lexie lacks to be the perfect fit is some time, attention, and training. And she will gladly meet you at least half way on the training because this is a very smart girl. She's available through Green Dogs Unleashed. (Cat test will happen this weekend.)

Lexie and Maya and I did a three mile hike on this beautiful afternoon.

The extra alert ears here indicate that they have seen or heard something in the woods.
We did see deer on a couple of occasions.

She walked nicely on the leash, always out front, which I prefer on a hike.
The few times that the leash got under her legs she fixed it herself for the most part.

The two girls walked nicely together. Maya will walk with anyone but 
prefers it if the other dog knows what they are doing. Lexie did very well.

We stopped at Sparky's watering hole for a drink. 
Maya waded in; Lexie wasn't interested in getting anything wet above her feet.

She also had a good run in the pasture this morning. 
She should be a tired dog tonight.

Our three mile route, starting behind the library.
We saw no one on the trails, which surprised me a bit because it was such a nice day.

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