Friday, February 11, 2022

Finally Friday

It's been a long week. I've been even busier than usual with work and have been dealing with Serena's lameness, and as the mud dries I've been trying to get the house in a little better shape before the next wave of mud coming on Sunday. 

I finally got out for a walk today with Della. She was bored, Maya seemed content, and I needed to get out and move with as few distractions as possible. It was a nice day and there was still enough daylight when we got home for a run in the pasture for the other dogs before dinner.

The potential adopters for Finley who were coming tomorrow have backed out. I'm taking him, Zippy, and Allie to an adoption event with Green Dogs tomorrow. I was hoping Finley would get adopted so I could start doing some work on Zippy. She needs it before she becomes a full-fledged bitch. We will see what she's like tomorrow. It will be a big day for Allie too. I'm not sure how she will handle all the people. I'll take my treat bag and I'll have the van for time-outs as needed, maybe for me.

1 comment:

Risa said...

We were watching the Puppy Bowl, and saw the interview with Erica, and at least two Green Dogs Unleashed fosters. Way to go! I hope that this brings lots of donations and possible adoptions.