Saturday, February 19, 2022

More OPPs

I'm posting more of Other People's Pictures today because I didn't do anything interesting myself. The first four are more pics from the great Sharen Montgomery. The others are pictures of former fosters sent to me around christmas time. Enjoy.

This is the best picture of River anyone has taken to date. 

River and Allie romping across the pasture.

River in flight.

This is Allie defying the laws of gravity and physics.

Dexter the bloodhound

Krypto. He recently took on a new younger sister, a female shepherd.

The dog on the left is the super shy Lenny that we had a while back.
He's now Benny and his sister is Priscilla. 

Peach.  I love her.

This is Oberon, Obi. His moms are vets and Obi is donating blood.
He's such a big guy that he's able to donate two units at one time.
I'm very proud of Obi. 

These are three of Lexie's pups from this past summer?
They are Porter, Mazie, and Indigo, formerly Cronut, Glaze, and Boston Crème.
You may recognize Glaze from her recent Puppy Bowl appearance.

This is recently adopted Marshal, and his new little sister.
They are very happy with him and he's obviously very happy there.
This makes me very happy.

Imagine a cocktail party where rescued dogs get together and compare stories, each one trying to top the other and claim the title as "Luckiest Dog." These two would be vying for the top spot, boasting of their miserable prior existence to prove how far their standard of living has risen post-rescue. Jamma (left), and Kona (right), both would be title contenders, but being dogs they wouldn't wallow in self-pity for their prior lives, but would revel in the joy that they experience now. 

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