Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dakota's day of new adventures

This was a big day for Dakota. It started off this morning with a trip to town with his buddy, Norman. They've been sharing Daneland during the day and adjacent crates in the kitchen at night. Dakota attached himself to Norman after Fargo left and it's been a good thing for the most part. He had learned and adopted the routine to the point that I didn't need to leash him going to and from Daneland in the morning and evenings. He went where Norman went. That ended today, however, because we took Norman to vet and left him there to be picked up by a new foster sometime later in the day.

When we got back home I brought Dakota indoors rather than taking him out to Daneland by himself. He learned to do the stairs, after some demonstrations by the other dogs and with some help and encouragement from me and a leash. He explored the house a bit and settled down in a crate.

Late this afternoon I load up Dakota and Elvis and we went to Tractor Supply where Dakota had a bath. I'd be willing to bet that it was the first bath in his life, but he was surprisingly good about it. I had to lift him into the bath, of course, but he didn't make a fuss or any serious attempt to get away. He was filthy and smelled bad and we improved that condition considerably. 

After the bath we stopped at Pleasant Grove for a four mile hike. He walked very well with Elvis and was more comfortable and confident than he had been on previous outings. This time I felt certain that he enjoyed it. It was dark by the time we got home and had dinner. I had fed him in the dog yard but let him out without a leash, hoping he'd come to the house. He didn't, but we went back over to Daneland and tried to get in there. That's been his home for the past several weeks and he wanted back in there, even without his brothers and Norman. I got him on a leash and brought him in the house with the other dogs. He will soon adopt the house as his new home and then he's essentially ready for adoption.

Speaking of adoption, the first of the three shepherd brothers to leave for a new foster home, Sturgis, was adopted today! 

The first couple of times going down the stairs is always tougher than going up.

When we were in the kitchen he often went into his open crate to lay down.

He even tried out Norman's crate.

He was quite comfortable walking into Tractor Supply.
Of course, he didn't know we were headed there for a bath.

He wasn't crazy about it, but he didn't fight or squirm or even make it hard for me.

I didn't use the blow dryer, that would have scared him and it would have blown fur all over.
I toweled him off and then let him shake it off. That was enough because it was a warm day.

Elvis is much smaller than Norman but just as confident and a lot smarter.
Dakota followed his lead.

This was great and it was a first for Dakota. 
He's walking in front of me instead of trailing behind.

4 miles

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