Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And now for something completely different
Monday, March 29, 2010
One leg is not enough to stand on
The day went downhill after that first call from the vet. They were not able to get the leg back into the hip socket. The surgical options were not great either, mostly because Brady only had one good leg. The other rear leg was non-weight bearing because there was a pelvic fracture after all. It didn't require surgery and would heal eventually, but it prevented Brady from bearing weight on his "good" rear leg, which he would need to be able to do to recover from the surgery on the "bad" leg. One of the front legs also had a fracture in the elbow joint, and the chance for a successful repair of that leg was reduced by a deep cut that would have provided an excellent opportunity for a post-op infection causing the surgical repair to fail. With only one sound leg and two requiring surgery, the poor guy didn't have any options. I went to the vet and laid with him for a while and held him for euthanasia.
With Emmylou I felt that I had done everything I could for the dog. With Brady, I could not help but feel that I failed him, and I did. It's our job to protect them and I couldn't do so. I'm damn sick of losing dogs and writing eulogies.
With Emmylou I felt that I had done everything I could for the dog. With Brady, I could not help but feel that I failed him, and I did. It's our job to protect them and I couldn't do so. I'm damn sick of losing dogs and writing eulogies.
Brady's misadventure

I'm cursing the damn dog for jumping the fence and not having enough sense to stay where he was well off. I put Sparky back into the kennel and we noticed that he was up on the high platform in the kennel looking out towards the front of the property and barking. Sparky kept insisting that something was happening
out front, so I finally got in the car to drive up the road and have a look. I didn't have to go far and found Brady just about 10' outside our fence, on top of the bank along the road. He was laying there and looked ok, but was unable to move. His back legs were obviously injured and had some wounds. I picked him up and carried him to the van and drove back home.

Clay found the peroxide and I poured some on the most apparent wounds and then we carried him inside, up to the office, making sure that Sparky saw that we had him back so he would settle down. He seemed to have no use of his back legs but wasn't actively bleeding and strangely enough he wasn't expressing a lot of pain. Generally when a dog is in pain you can see it in their eyes and they may pant heavily and vocalize. Brady has always been a very vocal dog; I sometimes think he's never had an unexpressed thought. He laid down, rested comfortably, seemed glad to be here and even wagged his tail a bit. I gave him some pain meds and he relaxed.
We discussed whether or not to go to the emergency vet but I decided against it. The more I looked at him, the more I thought this may have been the result of a dog fight rather than a car. He had some puncture wounds that looked like bite marks. The emergency vet would have cleaned up the wounds, put him on an IV, given him pain meds, and taken xrays. The bill would have come close to $1,000 and I'd still have a dog that needed to go to the vet today.
Because he didn't seem to be in terrible pain after I medicated him, I decided to wait. He slept all night although he did move himself around a little bit on the floor here in my office. We carried him to the car this morning and I drove him to the vet. Dr. Hudson examined him and didn't think there was enough swelling to indicate a fracture. On initial exam, she thought he may have a torn cruciate ligament in the right rear leg.
Just had a call from the vet. Amazingly, no fractures, but his right hip is out of the socket. They will anesthetize him and try to get it back into place manually. It was a car strike, not a dog fight after all. All things considered, he is a lucky little dog.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So far, so good
Shayna wrote to say that Rocky had his first hike yesterday. These are her pics. Rocky is the dog in the foreground and I believe that is Shika in front of him.
Yesterday I took a good long hike with the two rottie boys, Sparky and Brady. I was too sore to take them today so I took Molly instead but did an even longer hike. When I got home I put Brady and Sparky into the dog yard and pasture for a romp. Brady seems to have gone AWOL. He has learned that he can jump the fence so now he's a containment problem. If he comes back, he'll never get out of the kennels again except to go on leashed walks. He's just reduced his adoption prospects too.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Fingers crossed

I took him to her place this morning. She actually lives in Fluvanna County not too far away. The only real issues are: 1. two very senior female dogs who can't engage in rough play with him; 2. numerous cats; 3. chickens; and 4. three horses and one mean donkey.
The woman is dog savvy and has the time and experience to work with him. He's actually a rather well-mannered dog so I think it stands a chance, and it's a great home so it's a chance worth taking.
Keep your fingers, toes, and paws crossed that all works out.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Gypsy goes to the doctor
Their records showed her as being 14 years old. They would have got that information from me, but I think it may be stretching the truth a little bit. I've been thinking she is about 12, which definitely makes her the now most senior dog around here.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Boys, Boys, Boys
I had not had Brady out on the trails yet and was pleasantly surprised to learn that he had both trail sense and leash sense. He stuck to the trails better than Sparky and I think he will become the lead dog. He never stopped to mark, nor did he stray off the trail, and he was easy to guide in the direction I wanted to go when the trail forked.
Sparky still bounced from tree to tree, determined to mark the entire forest as his own. Fortunately, he responds well to a verbal command or a jerk on the leash. I had them connected daisy chain style for a while, but that was a little too advanced for these guys at this stage. I just held both leashes and they walked side by side.
Boys, Boys, Boys
We like boys in cars
Boys, Boys, Boys
Buy us drinks in bars
Boys, Boys, Boys
With hairspray and denim
Boys, Boys, Boys
We love them!
We love them!
Boys, Boys, Boys
We can walk for hours
Boys, Boys, Boys
Lift a leg on flowers
Boys, Boys, Boys
Females are trouble
Boys, Boys, Boys
We love them!
We love them!
Ok, it works better with the music running through your head.
My mind has a lot of idle time when walking.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Our last walk
We hadn't gone very far when we heard something moving through the woods, probably a deer but I couldn't see it. Her ears perked up and she got some of the old bounce back in her step, even pulling me down the trail a bit in the direction of the sound.
We didn't go far but I'm glad we went.
Today I made the call and the trip to the vet for that last act of kindness because it was clear that her quality of life would not recover. I held her head and kissed her as the vet took away her pain.
She got dealt a few bad hands in life, but she sure never held it against us. We were the lucky beneficiaries of other people's ignorance and misfortune. I can not express what she meant to me. She was tall, slender, grey, and beautiful, and she was a steadfast friend.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Copper is a cutie
The bully breeds suffer from breed prejudice more than any other dogs. They are banned in many housing complexes and sometimes in entire cities. They are powerful dogs and they had the misfortune of becoming popular with drug dealers and ghetto trash, not to mention dog fighting scum like Michael Vick. If trained to be aggressive, they are a danger. If raised properly, they are as sweet and loveable as any dog can be. Rather than banning the breed, enacting and enforcing spay/neuter laws, licensing regulations, and leash laws would solve this problem and many others.
p.s. I put Copper together with Brady and Teddy today. No problems, they all played nicely. I'll supervise at feeding time.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Junior and Senior
Teddy, however, needs to learn Emmylou's confident behavior, especially in new situations (outside the home environment), and when meeting people. Teddy is still a scared little boy.
He has never really been away from home except to adoption events, where he is always terrified. Taking him walking with Emmylou gets him out, will get him to trust and rely on me, and will let him see the behavior of a dog who thoroughly enjoys socializing with new dogs and new people.
On the trail, he stuck to Emmy like glue and looked back at me with suspicion. In the dog park, she greeted everyone and he pretty much kept his distance from everyone, human and canine. But it was our first time there. I think he will come around.
A few times, when he thought I wasn't looking, I saw him forget his fear, perk up his ears and tail and actually enjoy himself.
Home at last
Made it! Woke up in KC to 6 inches of snow and an ice rink down I-70. About half way between Salina and the CO border the sun came up and the roads cleared off. Then I about got flattened by a semi on I-80. Had to wake up Rocky to get him out of the car once we got in at 1 a.m. I'm letting him sniff about before we get in bed. He's already found a few toys he likes and I think a bone mine never chewed on.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Sparky was here
I love this dog and haven't made much of any effort yet to find him a home. He's a mixed breed, but has a pure rottie personality. He loves tactile attention and craves human contact as much or more than food.
My ambitious springtime plan is to do a pretty long hike with Sparky or another dog in the morning and a shorter walk with Emmylou in the afternoon so she will still get out to see her dogpark friends.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Kaiser's legacy

Regina and family are friends and two-time adopters. The first dog they adopted from me was a senior shepherd named Kaiser. Kaiser had come to me along with his female companion, Gretel. (Kaiser is on the left and Gretel on the right in the picture at the right). They were about the last two dogs given up by a lifelong shepherd lover and breeder who was facing her own mortality and was, with the help of friends, making arrangements for the last of her dogs.

The Roots were looking to adopt a dog as a family pet. They also got some major life lessons, a new "cause" for lack of a better word, and me, thrown in with the bargain.

It seems that the length of time we share our world with another being is not a reliable predictor of the impact the other may have on our lives. It is as true with people as it is with dogs, a fact that I'm mindful of as the first day of spring approaches, because that day is the fifteenth anniversary of my first partner's death. What seems like nothing but a senseless and inconsolable loss, is an opportunity for a new life experience for those who survive in this world and, I hope, for those that pass on as well. While I don't subscribe to any hate- or fear-based religion (is there any other kind?), I do hope for and maybe even believe, that there is some sort of recycling of the human spirit or consciousness such that, in some unknowable sense, we will cross paths again with those who have touched our lives in brief but profound ways, and maybe walk together again for a while.
(A .pdf file of the Williamsburg Next Door Neighbors publication is available here: http://www.wburgndn.com/issues/Apr2010pp1-22.pdf. The article about Regina begins on page 8 and I encourage you to read it.)
An early morning farewell
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A busy day
We hit the trails this morning with Shika, Rocky, and visiting Austin, for a good but relatively easy walk.
I'm ready to commit to walking again as I've really been enjoying it the last few days. Having someone to walk with sure helps with the motivation. During her morning romp in the pasture, Emmylou once again jumped out of the pasture fence. This means two things: a. she's feeling good; and b. I need to walk her daily again because I can't trust her out in the pasture.
I don't know which of them was happier.
We came back home for some sun drying time in the dogyard and a follow up brushing to remove a lot of dead hair and winter coat.
There was a bigger crowd at the dog park today and Rocky showed a lot of tact in avoiding any dog who looked like trouble. We didn't stay too long, it was mostly a social event for Emmylou, who saw several of her human and canine friends.
Everyone was pretty tired after dinner. Shayna, Shika, and Rocky will be heading home to Utah early tomorrow. Rocky has been here since last July, and his time in foster care has been a rough and rocky road. He will be missed, but I'm happy to see him heading off as a happy and healthy dog at the beginning of his new life.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Afternoon delight
I walked Emmylou, who was ready to get out and go today. I think Rocky is already beginning to bond with Shayna. He went into her room when he came upstairs this evening, ready to stake out his position on the bed.
First contact
Shika wasn't sure what was going on, coming into a household with 8 indoor dogs, but she took it all in stride, sticking close to her mom for security. Rocky tried his best to get her to play, but she's not ready for that yet, although they got along fine.
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