I finally got a real job again. I was laid off at the beginning of 2009 when the economy tanked (thank you very much George MF Bush) and was mostly unemployed for about 9 months of that year. I was hired back on as a full time temp in September, which meant salary but no benefits. I was laid off again for a couple months at the beginning of the year and then started back, but still as a temp. The group I've been working for has work to do and needs people, and they finally got the corporate funding and approval to add staff. I put in my application this past weekend and got a call this morning. Same job that I've been doing, at pretty much the same pay, but at least I'll have health insurance again. I haven't seen a dentist in over a year and am wearing drug store reading glasses over my regular prescription glasses in order to read or work on the computer. I had dropped one of my cholesterol drugs to save money. While we have been fine financially, like many people faced with uncertain employment, we had cut back on everything. That's not all bad, but it will be nice to breathe a little easier now.
I never did file for unemployment, so I was among the uncounted unemployed. I should have, I know, but [***************deleted thought**************].

Meanwhile, in dog news: I've picked out an adopter for Precious. He's coming Friday and I expect them to live happily ever after.
Trooper's prospect came to meet him Wednesday morning. It would be easier to convince people of how sweet he is if he didn't do that ferocious bark at strangers. But he also took treats from her, followed her around, sat on command, and let her pet him all over. She came back Thursday for another visit and spent some more time with him. Next will be a visit with her current dog. Taking it slow is probably a good approach. He really will be fine. The biggest hurdle will be her current dog. Starr is one of my former fosters; she's a nice girl but also a real bitch.

Bruno is ok in his new home, but he's living under the deck and still won't come to the new owners. He spent the first night in the bedroom and was fine. But he spooked at something the next day, got away from them, and has been hiding out under the deck ever since. He comes out for treats, will even come onto their screened in porch to eat, but hasn't made direct contact yet. He is sticking around, however, and seems to know where his home is. He just isn't quite ready to accept the new people. I have to hand it to this woman, though. She is taking it slow and easy, isn't giving up. I offered to drive over there this weekend to get him out from under the deck and onto a leash again, but she's working on a couple plans of her own to get him to come around.

Axel is a young male shepherd who may be coming my way soon, but if he's everything I've been told he is, I'll have a home for him right away. A female boxer will be coming along with him, no relation, just sharing the ride out of the same shelter and out of similar circumstances.
A young woman called me, trying to find a place for two labs, a 7 year old yellow female and a 9 year old black male. They lost their home to foreclosure due to unemployment, moved into a townhouse, had the dogs with a friend for a while, the yellow is now at a shelter. . . it goes on and on. It's possible the yellow will be adopted or get a ride on a rescue transport up north somewhere. I told her I'd take them when I return after June 7th. Given my own employment situation, I couldn't very well say no. (I'm thinking how lucky I am that in spite of the lack of a job, our home was never really in jeopardy. Many people were not so fortunate.) Besides, I might have a home for a sweet senior male dog and it sounds like the yellow female is still quite active and probably adoptable.