Hank and Lana |
Lana, Hank, Jake in the rear |
I had Lana and Augie paired up because they were both boxers, they were the same size, they got along, they shared an outdoor kennel during the day, and they both came into the house to crates in my office at night. However, when Augie got adopted yesterday I knew I'd need to introduce Lana to some others. She is ok with our dogs, but except for Trooper, they won't play with her. This morning I brought Cabell, Bremo, and Zachary back inside, leaving Trooper in the dog yard with Jake, and then introduced Lana. No problems. Jake didn't exactly know how to play with her, but she showed him and they got along fine. A little later I introduced Hank. He and Lana really hit it off. At just 14 months of age, he's still very playful and he adapted to her play style right away.

I went back out later this afternoon and got the two of them playing tug with the rope toy. Hank would occasionally get possession of it and then he'd run off. She would pursue him and body slam him to slow him down so she could grab the rope.
I don't play tug with dogs myself, but I don't mind them playing it with each other.
Hank was trying to intimidate Lana by growling and baring his teeth. It didn't work. |
I sometimes forget why I like German Shepherds,
but Jake brings it all back to me. He's a good one. |

Jake wasn't sure what to do, so he just ran around looking pretty. Tomorrow I have a vet appointment for Jake (exam, vaccines) and Gypsy Jr. (suspected tapeworm). I've got a neuter appointment for Jake on Thursday. He should be good to go this weekend, but I haven't yet begun to find a home for him. He may stay another week. Hank needs a vet appointment to get his vaccines updated as well.
If Jake needed the cliched "room to run," then he must be loving life now! Maybe he and Lana can become famous with their canine football team, like Tillman and his skateboard.
Ooops, I meant Hank and Lana, not Jake!
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