Saturday, August 18, 2012

Plants, no dogs

I have been going to visit my tomato plants every few days.  We've had some good rains lately so I haven't needed to go water every day.  During that really hot spell a couple weeks ago the water was off at the community garden, but my plants fared pretty well.  The ground cloth retains moisture pretty well. 

I went by one day this past week and watered, and picked my first tomatoes, which I ate on the spot.  There will be a lot more coming on next week, I expect.  I do have the best looking plants up there at this point, although I'm still well behind the curve in terms of production. 

The container garden at home still looks pretty good.  I slacked off on the watering and lost a few things, and some damn deer came by one night and finished off a couple others, but considering that it's August, I think things are looking pretty good. 

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Beautiful plants! I wish I had a green thumb, but I definitely do not. And there are few things better than homegrown tomatoes.