Friday, November 7, 2014

My Day Off

Maya always gets the first walk.
When I don't take Maya, this happens at
home, or something similar. This was a
jar of peanut butter, her second.

I had this Friday off, and every Friday till the end of the year, along with some Thursdays, to use up the rest of my vacation time. I didn't do much, but I did hike 12 miles.

She's a rotten little girl, but I love her.

Toquima got the second four mile
walk of the day. He does more marking
than I would like, but it's all new
territory for him.

I look stupid here, but it's a sweet
picture of Toquima.
He enjoys the walks and we enjoy having him.
He's a great dog, inside or out.

Toquima and I sat on the bench under this tree for a bit after our walk.

Sparky was my closer. It was the last four miles
of the day, but we had the fastest times, and
it was getting chilly so that is good.
As excited as he is to be out there, he often drops
back beside me and puts his head in my hand.

It was a windy and chilly day, but the sun was shining and it was beautiful.
Sure gets dark early though.

Twelve miles today. Not a lot of people were out.
The music does help.

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