It's been over a week since his first heartworm treatment. That consists of an injection of Immiticide deep into muscle tissue in his lower back. It's very painful and he wasn't feeling great, or eating normally, for the first four or five days or so, but he seems to be feeling better now.
Because of his age, they are doing the heartworm treatment in two stages. He will have another injection sometime in December. About a month after that I hope we can get him neutered. When he's under anesthesia for the neuter I hope to have his hips xrayed just to find out what we are dealing with, but I do not plan on doing any further surgery on him. He already gets around far better than I ever thought he would when I first brought him home. He's still on a low dose of prednisone now, but once the heartworm treatment is finished we'll probably start him on a daily med like Rimadyl to help with arthritis pain and keep him mobile.
That's about it. He's doing very well and seems very happy. He's low-maintenance and gets along with everyone around here. He's sweet, very affectionate, an all-around great dog. He certainly deserved a better retirement than he received from the police and sheriff's departments that he served for most of his life.
He's a sweet boy and I love his floppy ear:-) Thank God he is with you where he is loved and kept safe!
He looks so much better and so much happier. This is definitely the retirement he deserves. Hope the heartworm treatment goes well and he fully recovers.
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