Friday, March 23, 2018

Lego, Living Large

Trying to put weight on a very active dog with a teenager's metabolism is an uphill fight, but we are getting there. Lego is definitely looking better and has put on some weight, but not an ounce of fat. He could still use another 10-15 pounds, but he no longer looks like the emaciated skeleton he was when first rescued.

Lego is eating four cups of dried food twice a day, plus at least a quarter pound of Satin Balls with each meal. He eats like a teenager too, he gulps down more than twice as much food as everyone else and then looks around for more while the other dogs are just getting started on their much smaller servings.

Lego is also getting more accustomed to the crate at night, so that it's not a struggle to get him in. After spending the day outdoors, he's ready to sleep and is soon snoring away, building up energy for the next day. He never seems to really run low on energy. This is a dog for an active person but he's not so hyperactive that he will drive you crazy either. He likes to play with other dogs, but he's very people-oriented too. I can move him from the house, to kennel, to dog yard, or pasture without a leash. He wants to go wherever I'm going.

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