Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Vet Visits, planned and unplanned

Mila missed getting her rabies vaccine when she was in to be spayed last week. I've got an adoption lined up for her but I needed a rabies certificate to make it happen. I ran her into town Monday afternoon and got it done quickly.

This was probably the most time I've spent with Mila just one-on-one. She is so stinking cute and sweet. She doesn't even know how stunning she will be when she grows up.

Those ears couldn't be any sharper.

They look like a pair of scissors.

She's still got that innocent and clueless look.
But you can also see that she's going to
be a stunning beauty.

My second vet visit of the day wasn't exactly planned. I had taken Serena and Maya along for the ride when Mila went to get her rabies vaccine. When we got home, I let Serena out of the van and she walked around the yard looking for a place to do her business. What I saw come out was completely liquid diarrhea with a good amount of blood mixed in it so it was bright red.

Her guts had been going from bad to worse over the last few days, probably as a result of the pain meds she had been on for her leg injury and the doxycycline she was taking for Lyme. I had stopped both of those and was feeding her chicken and rice and giving her immodium, but the presence of blood took me out of my comfort zone. I put Maya and Mila in the house and put Serena back in the van and headed back to town. It took a while but bloodwork was done and it looked pretty much normal so we came home with an antibiotic for her gut and a better anti-diarrhea drug. Nothing has come out of her since she started those Monday evening.


Byron's Mom said...

I hope Serena is on the mend!

Anonymous said...

I hope Serena is doing better.