Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chubby, chunky, and playful

Carlsberg is still the biggest.

I can see enough of the collar to identify the one on the
left as Abita. I haven't learned the distinguish the pups
by their markings alone.

Typical bed scene, some playing, some sleeping.

Della's Milk Bar is still as popular as ever. It's just not open as much any more.

Gathering around the puppy water cooler.

They do love to eat.

The love to sleep too.

Carlsberg snuggled up to Duvel, who has his head on Guinness.

This is a little hard to see because it was taken at night. It's one of the black pups sleeping in the
empty food dishes, wrapped around the raised center. It reminded me our Bremo who used to
gather up empty food dishes and line them up in front of himself, ready to eat again when
they became full. This little guy somehow looks comfortable.


Anonymous said...

Sqeee....dying from the cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! They are darling!!
