Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Rabbit Run

Monday was rainy although we didn't really get a lot of moisture. We didn't walk or get anyone out to run. Tuesday wasn't a pretty day, but the temperature wasn't bad and it wasn't raining so I took two Danes and three shepherds out to the pasture to run.

The sky was cloudy and dreary so the colors aren't really pretty in these shots. The dogs didn't care about that though. The highlight of the afternoon happened when a rabbit decided to make a run for it from the grove of trees to the fence line. He was smart about it, waiting until most of the dogs were out of sight, and then he sprinted to the fence. Max was the closest to the action and he took off running. The other dogs caught on that something was up but I think the rabbit was through the fence before they were on the scene so he was never really in danger. It would be best if he stayed out of our pasture, however.

Sweet Serena

Della and Serena

Theo with his Jolly ball.
Max's ball is history. The rope is gone and he
began tearing it apart today. That means I need
to trash so Serena doesn't eat the remains.

Kaiser, Theo, Della, and Serena on the far right.

This is the rabbit run. The bunny is already through the fence at the far left. He had run out
of the clump of trees at the right. Della was late to the party, but you can see her flying toward
the scene. I'm sure she was pissed that she had missed it.

Della and Kaiser scouting the fence line.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Lucky bunny. The late lamented Byte and Knibble caught a rabbit once. It wasn't pretty.