Friday, November 8, 2019

Galaxy's Big Day

I'm not talking about his adoption, yet. The big day in Galaxy's life so far is the surgical procedure that gets him ready for adoption. He got neutered today.

I have Fridays off in November so it was the perfect day for this to be done. I took him in Friday morning, but remembering the difficulty they had with Karma, I stayed in town for a while in case I was needed. I had just walked into Lowe's when I got a call asking if I could come back and handle him while they did the initial anesthesia. I was happy to do so, and had encouraged them to call, because I didn't want the procedure to be delayed.

He was just scared, having never seen a vet in his life, and he needed someone to hold his paw. I held a little more than that but it wasn't difficult and they gave him a shot of happy juice in his butt. He went down in a matter of minutes making him very docile and easy to handle, aside from his weight. The poor guy was just scared. He's never had anyone actually care for him before.

I came home for a few hours but went back to town early afternoon to run some errands and so some shopping before picking up Galaxy from the vet. He seems fully alert this evening. He ate as much food as we fed him and will be back to normal rations tomorrow.

The next six pictures were taken within a few minutes of the sedative.

"I think I'll just lay down for a while."

"Wow, this stuff is really good!"

"My head is getting heavy."

"I'll just rest my eyes for a bit."

"Wake me when it's time to go home."


Anonymous said...

He's lucky to have landed with you. He will have a much better life from now on.

Sam K. said...

He's such a handsome pup!

Byron's Mom said...

He is such a handsome boy!