Sunday, February 16, 2020

Five dogs, six miles

I did a series of two milers today: Theo and Della, Dobby by himself, and finally Maya and Serena. It was a pretty nice day for hiking. We weren't alone out there but it wasn't too crowded either.
I knew I had to take Della on the first walk.
Apparently she complained to Clay when
I left her at home for the next two.

Della can pose better than any dog I've had since Gigi.

I'm becoming a real fan of the rope harness. Theo is pretty
easy to walk on anything. Della is tough on anything, but
the rope harness makes it possible.

I walked Dobby by himself, because I wasn't sure how he
would be. He was great, but I think that another dog would
have complicated the process. Maybe Maya would be fine.

He seemed to really enjoy it.

I'm a convert to the Gentle Leader. We struggled a bit getting
it on initially, but after that he was fine with it.

I loved the closeness of the walk. We were in contact most of the time.

Maya waited her turn until the third walk today. She's more
patient than she used to be, and she knew she'd get to go.
Serena was not so patient.

The total of the three walks was just over six miles. I can drive home, switch dogs, and get
back to my starting point in a half hour, so it's not a lot of wasted time.


Resqdogmom said...

Where did you purchase the rope harnesses?

Brent said...

I bought one at a Charlottesville Store call The Animal Connection. I've also bought them on Amazon.