Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Brindle Buddies

It's been a while since I mentioned Journey. He goes out to Daneland during the day with Kismet and comes in to his crate in the kitchen at night. We've kept that routine going consistently for long enough that it's now his habit. I think he'd go from the house to Daneland without a leash, but I haven't risked that and probably won't. The same goes for coming back inside at night. He still wears the harness he was wearing when he arrived here, but I don't leave the leash attached to it all the time.

He's slightly less skittish around me. He keeps his distance from me when I'm bringing food, but runs immediately to the bowl when I leave it and walk away. He knows that he'll have to let me approach to leash him when it's time to come in. That has usually involved me chasing him around until he finally comes to the gate so I can leash him. The chasing time is gradually getting shorter. I put him in the air-conditioned shed a couple of times in the morning so he had to make his way out the dog door, and he did so, but he hasn't gone back in on his own, even in the hottest part of the day and even though Kismet pops in and out of there all day long.

He takes treats as gently as any dog I've ever had.

He has been fine with Bruno and Luna when I've put them out in Daneland along with Journey and Kismet during the day. He clearly has no problem with dogs, it's people he distrusts, so he shows some good judgment too.

One evening I brought him before we were ready to go to bed so he had some free time in the kitchen where the other dogs were milling about. This was after Buster's friend Jackson had been adopted, and Buster went up to Journey and tried to engage him in play. Journey responded, somewhat awkwardly, but he tried. He has learned to play with Kismet and he seems to know that he may have to play differently with different dogs, but he hasn't yet mastered the art of dog play.

Here's a short list of musts for any prospective home for Journey: A very secure fence, another dog who will engage with him, a person strong enough to handle him on a leash by brute force when required, time, love, and patience.

Journey, Buster, and Maya

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