Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Maya's surgery day

Anyone who has seen pictures of Maya on this blog has undoubtedly noticed the ugly growth on the top of her head. I try to use pictures that don't highlight it so much, but it's there and impossible to ignore. It appeared over a year ago and has grown slowly but steadily ever since. Today it was removed. Maya got through the surgery without any problem, she's back home, and even ate her dinner. She's wearing a cone but not a real big one so it doesn't interfere with things too much. My little girl is coping with it well.

This was us on the way out this door this morning, heading to the vet.

In the crate in my van

Picking her up this afternoon.

Stitches and a cone, but she was happy to see me.

Back home, heading to the house.

This is the one and only time I didn't have Maya on a leash. She was still
somewhat groggy and I knew that all she wanted to do was get inside.

Getting checked out by Della upon re-entry. This is the canine equivalent of 
a Covid-era temperature check and screening when entering a building.

The cone is relatively small and doesn't interfere with eating or drinking, or running up the stairs.

Under my desk, at my feet, in "her" spot. This is where was heading to as soon as she got out of the van.

It's a pretty good sized incision but it will heal and I'll be able to pet her head once again.

1 comment:

sera said...

wow I really appreciate you and your love of
pets health and care