Tuesday, September 8, 2020

News from Home

Clay sent me a picture of Maya without her cone when he got home from work today. I had said that she should keep it on for a week. She must have heard me because when Clay got home from work today she had it halfway off and he took it off completely. It's been a week and I think we were lucky that she left it on that long. He then sent me some pictures of the other dogs as well.

Maya has been sleeping in my spot in the bed at night.

Della and Serena share very nicely.

Little Man didn't go to New York, but someone is coming to meet him on Wednesday.

Journey is doing well. He was a routine that he's satisfied with and
he seems content at our house although he's still very much an introvert.
He probably always will be and that's ok. 

Clay had trouble getting a picture of Max because he never stops moving.


If Della and Maya take the two big beds in the kitchen, Serena becomes distraught
because she has no place to lay. She usually is the first to come in, however,
and grabs a bed before they all fill up. 

Arby is probably glad that I'm away. He really only likes Clay.

Della doesn't seem upset by my absence. 

I know that my little girl Maya is missing me. She knew I was leaving when I
started packing last week. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

So glad Maya is cone free! Looks like all the kiddos are being so good!