Monday, September 7, 2020

Jake and the Koi pond

 I'm in Kansas at the moment with my mother and two sisters, and my mother's pug, Jake. There's a nice sized Koi pond where my mother lives. There are water lilies in the pond as well, and a concrete walkway that goes around it. It makes a nice place to walk the dog.

Jake is a senior pug now. He was adopted from the local animal shelter where he had
been surrendered after being attacked by another dog in the prior owner's home.

This is the pond. It's a very nice stroll around the perimeter.

Jake is never far from my mother.

This is a viewing platform that extends out over the water.
The fish see people coming and gather under the platform
hoping to be fed. 


Anonymous said...

Some of those Koi are as big as Jake. Hope he doesn't try to catch one.

Scott Rothe said...

That's quite a pond! It's nice to see a beautiful feature added near my childhood neighborhood!
