Saturday, October 31, 2020

Getting Home

I'm back home and slowly getting back to the routine. I returned to more rainy weather and to find that the Great Dismal Swamp has encompassed all of our property. I tried to take the dogs out for a romp in the pasture yesterday but got one mower stuck in the mud and nearly got a second one stuck as well. The sun is finally shining today but I have little faith in it at this point. 

Since I have no new pics of our own dogs worth showing, I'm going to share some of my sisters' dogs. I drove a U-Haul to my sister's place in Kentucky and left off her things and mine, taking a plane the rest of the way home on Wednesday. 

This is Cache (Cash?), a small terrier who thinks he's 6 feet tall and weighs 240 pounds.
He's the only male dog in sister Kate's household.

This is pretty Reka, a shepherd mix and very much Kim's dog.
Reka was adopted through Promises Animal Rescue as a pup.
Reka was skeptical about me at first but we quickly became friends.

Reka has an ear arrangement for all occasions. Sometimes they are all the way up,
but they work independently and unpredictably.

This is Bebe, the most senior dog in the household now.

This is Pixel who belongs to their friend Deborah, who came to dogsit while
Kim flew to Kansas to drive Kate's car back home.

My other sister, Paula, lives in Montana. Her husband came to Kansas and they rented a tow-behind U-Haul to take all their stuff back to Montana. Among their new "stuff" was my mother's pug, Jake. They got caught in a snowstorm and took an extra day to get home but made it safely. They found quite a bit of snow but it didn't last too long this time.

I think was taken somewhere on the trip home; the snow isn't too deep yet.

This isn't a big snow by Montana standards, but it doesn't take a lot of snow 
to be deeper than Jake.

They will have to shovel pathways for him, but they've had a pug
in Montana before so they know what's required.

After the snow was mostly gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that everyone made it home safely.