Sunday, May 9, 2021

Lucky walks

I let out one of my harnesses to maximum size and it was a good fit for Lucky. Maya and I took her out on a short hike today. I had thought I'd go 2-3 miles, but then I remembered that Lucky just got spayed on Friday, although she doesn't act like she had anything done. I cut the walk to a leisurely one mile stroll down to the river from the dog park area. 

Lucky had been a city dog and is clearly accustomed to leash walking and doing her elimination business on a leash. She was out front the entire way, pulling slightly but not too hard. She seemed to enjoy herself and I hoped it would stimulate her appetite. I thought we had the eating problem worked out yesterday, but she didn't eat Sunday morning or evening. At this point I'm just going to wait until she's hungry enough to eat. Maya and Serena continue to enjoy the canned chicken and Satin Balls that she leaves untouched in her bowl. 

I took the Danish girls, Max, and the other two fosters, Callie and Griffin, out to the pasture for a good run in the afternoon. 

Lucky seems happy and pretty well settled here now,
but she still isn't eating regularly.

Maya was happy with the walk today.

Dame Della

The horse chestnut has the most beautiful flowers.

The horse chestnut is called a buckeye in other parts of the country.

Serena and Griffin



Callie, following Max

Griff is a very nice, sweet boxer boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky is a pretty girl.