Monday, May 3, 2021

Theo, the Good Shepherd

We have fostered hundreds of shepherds over the past 20+ years of doing rescue work. We've adopted a number of them ourselves and I'm quite sure that we've never been without at least one German Shepherd Dog in our pack. Who else are you going to rely on for all the barking necessary to keep both good and bad people away?  And to alert you when a bird flies over, a truck goes down the road, or the earth's magnetic field is slightly off kilter?  

Shepherds can be problematic, sometimes aggressive if not raised properly, and often they are so driven and energetic that they just don't make appropriate canine companions for many people who think they want one. And did I mention that they like to bark a lot? Put two or more of them together and it can be impossible to hear your own voice over them. More than problematic, some of them are just a plain pain in the ass. But Dog help me, I do love them -- the lines of their body, those incredible radar dish ears, the long snout with the bump on the end, the thick, sweeping, expressive tail, not to mention the beautiful luxurious coat that they share generously with the entire household. And above all, the shepherd's bond, the loyalty and devotion, epitomizes what it means to be a dog. 

Theo was a exemplary shepherd. He had everything good about the breed, and much less than a normal share of the problematic stuff. He came to us as a foster dog and he certainly could have been adopted out, although finding someone worthy of him might have been difficult. We generally keep the misfits, those that would be difficult or impossible to successfully re-home, but I made the selfish decision to keep Theo for ourselves. I never regretted that decision. He was just wonderful. Theo was welcoming to other dogs we brought in, and he liked people too. He played the role of mentor to many young shepherds who invariably looked up to him with adoring eyes. He had a solid, unflappable temperament, tolerating far more than I would have from young dogs who just didn't know any better. He was a friend and companion to Max, meeting Max at his own level and engaging with him the way no other dog has been able to do. 

Even in his final days, when he was walking on three legs and must have been in pain, he maintained his smile, his wagging tail, his essential goodness. 

The last couple of nights he was unable to make it up the stairs to the bedroom at night. I've been dispensing the pain meds quite freely, but today we noticed a difficulty in his breathing that hadn't been there before and we knew that the time had come. Theo contributed more than his share of dust, dirt, and dog hair to the house, and he probably cost us a couple of vacuums over the years, but he gave us so much more. 

Running with Max

Theo was the undisputed world champion ball player.

Hiking with Maya

Theo the Great


Dave Sagarin said...

We were honored when you offered to let us take Patch, another Shepherd of special virtue.

Byron's Mom said...

I am so sorry about Theo. Your tribute is beautiful. Sending lots of love to you, Clay and your beautiful pack during this painful time.

Risa Lapidow said...

R.I.P. Theo, who has gone where all good dogs go. Have fun at the Rainbow Bridge with all youf friends. And condolences to your Dads, who loved you.

Cynthia Maxwell Curtin said...

We are so sorry. It is awful. Sure, we are glad we are there to minimize pain and end it when it is too much but still, it is heart breaking, tear provoking, snot producing, soul resonating awful.

Peggy Law said...

I am so happy you had Theo and gave him and incredible home and fabulous life. I am sorry his life was cut short-it is truly heartbreaking. Theo was a very special dog- smart, loyal, intense with a ball, and
wasn't meant to be a service dog. He was meant to be yours, Brent. All we want for our dogs is a home like yours. Thank you for loving him all these years.

hammer1924 said...

Hard to read this post but nothing compared to how hard it must have been to write it Brent. RIP beautiful Theo the Great.

Rachel said...

Rest well, sweet Theo 😢