Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Della's night out

Clay's days off are Tuesday and maybe Wednesday so those are really the only days we have much of a chance to do anything together. He helped me clean up the puppy half of Daneland this afternoon. We expanded the puppy side by about ten feet, raked it clean, and removed a lot of stuff that had just accumulated out there. This is in preparation for the puppies' first outdoor experience, which is coming up soon. 

After that was done we went to town for dinner and beer at Decipher Brewing. We only have two Dane-sized crates in the house, one of which was occupied by Allison and Serena had the other, so we took Della with us. She was very happy when she realized that we had locked up the house and were leaving; she was still outside and that meant that she was going along. I haven't taken her any place in quite a while, because puppies, so she was excited and happy even not knowing our destination.

It was Tuesday evening and I didn't expect much of a crowd at Decipher, but the parking lot was pretty full. Fortunately there were no other dogs, however, so Della could own the place as she feels is her right. You can't walk into a place with a harlequin Great Dane and not get a lot of looks. She enjoys that and several folks came by to greet and pet her so Della was in her element. 

I was getting towards the end of my first beer when someone walked in with another dog. Della isn't overtly aggressive towards other dogs, but she lets out her big bark to announce her presence and prior claim to the place. I grabbed my beer and the dog and we just walked out the back door to their outdoor space. I don't want my dog barking like that indoors, and I wasn't sure Della would stop, so I thought it best to just remove ourselves. I finished my beer outside and then put Della back in the van while I went back in to have a second beer with Clay. 

Another dog showed up too, so it was definitely the right move. Maya has better brewery manners and she let me know about it when we got home too. She had a lot to say about me leaving with Della and not her. But it was a nice evening.

Cleaning up Daneland

Allison supervising our clean up activities.

Walking into Decipher.

She laid down beside most of the time.

They have a nice outdoor space too.

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