Saturday, May 21, 2022

The puppy program

When I went out to check on the pups Saturday morning, they had cleaned up all of the food from the night before, and all the poop was on the pads. Of course, I had covered at least half of the space with pads for the night, but that's ok, they got onto them and sure made morning clean up a lot easier. They also all came over when I brought food and they quickly devoured most of it. They did the same with the next two feedings throughout the day. I weighed them again Saturday evening and everyone posted some weight gain. They are also acting more lively, more puppy-like, playing with each other and to some extent, with toys. It definitely seems that they are all getting with the program now and I'm glad. 

My final visit this evening was a bit of a messy one. It looked like they had been playing in their food and maybe walking through some soft poop. I put the pups on the outside of the exercise pen that defines their space so I could do a better clean up job inside. That gave them some new territory to explore and it enabled me to get things ready for the night. They may get baths tomorrow.

They have new color codes collars now too:

Merlot -- orange

Chablis -- blue

Riesling -- green

Chardonnay -- pink

Pinot -- yellow

Moscato -- gray

I loved seeing them all come over to eat as soon as I put the food down this morning.

That's Pinot in the center, with the stripe down her forehead.

They went at the food with the kind of puppy enthusiasm I like to see at mealtimes.

Merlot was 7.9 lbs. this evening. He will be over 8 tomorrow.

I was particularly happy to see the Lady Chablis going at the food.
She's the only one under 6 lbs. at this point.

I hope they start doing more of this mutual grooming. They needed it tonight.

Left to right: Chablis, Chardonnay, Pinot, and Moscato

Merlot and Moscato

It was a hot day. Two window unit air conditioners are running in their space,
keeping it cool enough to snuggle still.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes, they are so cute and funny. Starting to find their voices too. Love the round little bellies and curly tails.