Monday, July 25, 2022

More walking with Della and Paisley

It was just another Monday, a lot of hot, a lot of humid, and a lot of work. There was a fierce but brief thunderstorm featuring lightning that seemed like it was just across the road. After that moved on it was somewhat cooler so I took Della and Paisley for a walk. Paisley is really enjoying our walks now and she was visibly disappointed when I didn't take her along as a second dog because my back was hurting. 

I still need to do some stretching on a regular basis, but my back was enough better today that I skipped the muscle relaxers, although I will have one before bed tonight. So Paisley came along. She's really good on the leash now. She's out front mostly because she's excited, not because she's trying to pull away from me. 

Della pretty much assumes that the walk is going to be a daily occurrence, or if there's no walk, there must be pasture time. She enjoyed herself. Several people stopped to say how pretty she was and we even ran into one of her puppy adopters. We did three miles. 

Della enjoys the walks but she does approach them seriously.
I'm not sure if she picked up that attitude from Maya or from me.

The heat is taking its toll on the sunny gardens and they are probably past their peak now.
But the shade gardens like this are still thriving, as long as I keep them watered about every day.

I always like for the plants to obscure the container and that has certainly happened here.
Under all this color is a large black iron kettle that belonged to my great grandmother.
I brought it back from my mother's house and I think she would be very happy with it now.

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