Saturday, July 2, 2022

Kilo and Odin, Della and Maya

Kilo and Odin have made a good pair of play buddies. And as Kilo taught the husky pups, I think he will do the same for Odin as well, at least if Odin pays attention. Being a young male shepherd, that's a very big "if."

The outdoor video was made Friday afternoon, the first day they were together out in Daneland. The indoor videos were taken that evening, up in my office, after they came in for the night. I crated them both down in the kitchen for the night and left Paisley free. She's pretty trustworthy indoors, as long as she's had enough outdoor time to do her business.

They both spent a good deal of time in the water tank on Saturday. I dumped it and refilled it with fresh cold water and I'll probably be doing that daily. Clay was off on Saturday and we headed off to the valley in search of water garden plants, pizza, and beer. We found all three, stopping at a place called Valley Water Gardens in Dayton, VA, and then at Skipping Rock for a beer, and at Basic City for another beer and too much pizza before coming back home. 

When we got home I got the water plants deployed to my pond, but it was too hot to do much outside at that point. I came in and laid down for a while and even tried to nap. Maya and Della joined me. Later in the evening Della and I went out to the pasture. I rode the mower over the pathways I had carved out through the tall grass, stopping to dig thistles when I spotted any. Della hunted bunnies and even found a deer to chase. That's farm dogging at its best as far as she's concerned. 

It's dark enough now that the trumper neighbors are setting off noisy fireworks, the remnants of which I'll be finding in my pasture. Time to go bring in the foster boys from Daneland.

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