Sunday, July 17, 2022

Last chance weekend walk

Sunday was another hot and very humid day. It was one of those days that my glasses would fog up every time I stepped outside. Once again Della had no interest in being outdoors even when I was out puttering around. Paisley hung out with me for a while, but mostly found herself a spot in the shade where she could just sit and watch. 

After dinner, however, Della seemed to realize that the day was almost gone and we hadn't done anything she considered fun. I couldn't disagree although I had accomplished some non-fun things. It was still 86 degrees and as humid as it could be without actually raining, but Della gave me that look that said she wanted to go and would be very disappointed in me if I failed to take her. We didn't have a lot of time before dark, but I loaded up Della and Paisley and we headed up to Pleasant Grove for our usual two mile walk.

As soon as we started our walk the sky started to drip. A little rain wasn't going to make me any more wet than the sweat, but I also heard some thunder. We continued on but I watched the radar on my phone. I prefer to be inside when there's lightning, but it seemed to be a ways off and not headed directly for us. One crack of thunder scared up some deer and three of them flew across the road only about 50' in front of us. That was our only wildlife spotting for the evening.

Paisley was much better this time. She would still keep an eye on me as if she expected me to make some violent move on her, but she wasn't pulling away from me today like she had last time. Her leash actually had some slack in it most of the time. 

I did turn back before the one mile midway point because I heard more thunder and we seemed to be walking towards it then. I was able to make up the distance by walking up the entrance road on the way back so we still got our two miles, didn't get struck by lightning, and didn't get rained on.

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