Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Building relationships and challenges

I walked with Leo and Kaiya today, working on building a relationship with both. Leo is a nice enough boy, but he barks way more than I like or can handle, especially because it elicits even more barking from the others. With nine dogs around here, it can get to be too much very quickly. I thought that the mental and physical exercise of the walk would help Leo settle more in the evening, and it did, although it still doesn't take much rest or much stimulation to get him riled up again.

Kaiya and I have issues too. Everything was fine at first, she was very sweet, friendly, and outgoing. But she got too assertive with the other girls and got into a fight first with Paisley and then with Maya. That landed Kaiya on my shit list. She's not eating much, if at all. I think it's hunger strike because I'm mad at her. The walk helped, but she still didn't do more than nibble at her food this evening. I'm crating her next to Leo downstairs tonight and letting Cooper stay upstairs in the office with Paisley. Maybe a change of venue will help. I'll put Kaiya outside with Leo tomorrow too. After a day of that she's bound to be hungry.

Building relationships and challenges for the puppies is much easier. Yesterday I gave them the tunnel to play with again and they loved it. Today I set up a series of boxes at varying heights that they can climb on. They took to them right away. I look forward to getting them outdoors very soon.

Camilla and Peggy

Peggy, Adina, and Dizzy

Boomer and Charlie

Yukon in front, Charlie behind

They hesitate, but they do jump/tumble off the high box.

Dizzy exploring

Peggy and Dizzy

Everyone is eating very well now. I'm feeding the pups three times a day
and increasing the amount each time. They clean it all up.

Boomer hit 10 pounds today and on the other end of the spectrum, Camilla passed the six pound mark. Charlie and Yukon are about equal, switching back and forth between second and third place each day.

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