Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday status

Since I no longer trust Chico outdoors, he's now completely dependent on me for any exercise. I took him for a walk Sunday morning along with Elvis, thinking that Elvis would pretty much walk himself and I could concentrate on Chico. That's how it went for the most part. I had Chico on the Gentle Leader with a second leash on his martingale collar for extra security. He was pretty good although I could see that he wasn't enjoying the walk as much as he would had he been allowed to sniff and pull me in whatever direction struck his fancy. 

Elvis seemed better today. The tissue around his eyes had been inflamed after a long afternoon session hunting through the tall grass in the pasture, burrowing his head down in it looking for field mice or rats or whatever. I gave him a benedryl with his food and applied some ointment to his eye last night and it looks a lot better today. 

Max has me worried. He's been making some sounds that don't sound good for the last couple of weeks. He's definitely slower, particularly on stairs, but he still gets around and goes up and down as he needs to but he avoids any unnecessary trips. Friday and Saturday morning I noticed that he didn't finish his food, and it's been getting difficult to get him interested in eating. Saturday night he didn't eat at all, nor Sunday morning, although he did eat later in the day and again Sunday evening. I think it's time for a vet visit and a general assessment of his condition. Aside from ear infections, he's been a remarkably healthy dog, physically, but he's 10-12 years old now. I brought him home in August, 2013, as a 1-2 year old. 

We are down to just four puppies this evening. Peggy and Charlie left yesterday and Yukon today. He'll be on the road to Massachusetts tomorrow morning. 

It's great to have the dog yard fenced again. I had Kaiya out there in it today. 

I love Yukon's whiskers. They are different color than his muzzle so they really stand out.
Sort of looks like a porcupine. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Max is OK. How is Holly doing with the pups leaving?