Sunday, February 12, 2023

Elvis, Chico, and the rainy, cold, very wet day

Chico spent the night in a crate in the kitchen next to Kaiya. He was good all night, no problem. I put him out in Daneland with Kaiya Sunday morning. It wasn't too bad starting out, but the day got wetter, colder, and windier as it progressed. Chico climbed out of the 6' chain link Daneland fence for the third time and came to the front porch of the house wanting in. Chico will be strictly an indoor dog it seems. That's fine, I guess, but we need to work on all his manners. At least he's good with all the dogs and he doesn't object to being crated. I suspect he was crated most of the time in his former home, so he's used to that, but he needs to learn a lot more about being a dog.

The Puppy Bowl was Sunday afternoon and Green Dogs sponsored a watch party at Patch. I didn't even need to consider which dog to take, I took Elvis. He didn't want to leave the house with me, no one did. They all knew it was cold and rainy and not a nice day for a hike. Elvis thought I was crazy but he did come along and once we arrived and he realized it wasn't for a hike, he was very happy. Elvis likes to work a crowd of people, especially dog people who carry treats, and people who are eating. He worked the crowd like an old pol, dispensing cuteness and kisses in exchange for any kind of treats, bites, tastes, or scraps that anyone had available.

Thank you to whoever took this picture of Elvis, Clay and me. 
Elvis and Clay always take nice pictures, me, not so much, but this one is decent so I stole it.

Do you see the small gold disc hanging from Elvis' collar? It's a piece of bling I've had around for a while but apparently I was saving it for Elvis. He's our dog now so it's time he started a collection of collar bling. It's a gold record, that says "Elvis" and "Love Me Tender," a souvenir from Graceland.

It was a rather boring day for the puppies. They didn't want to be outside, of course, but I had to get them out there several times just to give me a chance to clean up the mess they had made inside. I've changed pads and bedding four times today. They are warm, dry, and cozy inside, but we all are hoping for better weather soon. 

This is a beautiful family photo taken the day before the rain. 
Unfortunately Adina and Camilla missed getting in the shot, but it's still a great picture.


Anonymous said...

It made me so happy to read that Elvis is yours!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new pup! Yay, Elivis!