Saturday, September 9, 2023

Magic Mitch

I took Mitch to Patch today to work his magic. I wasn't sure if he had any, actually, but it seems that he does and he works it well. Of course we really only met other Green Dogs people who were there for the world disc dog games, but still, Mitch was pretty charming.

He was good with other dogs and he loved all the people. There was a small child sitting on the ground and Mitch laid down to be at her level and just gave nice kisses. A woman approached us and asked if it was Mitch and said that she had put in an application and was interested in him. That was promising. 

Mostly it was a good experience for me because I learned what he was like. He's not great on a leash, but at only 35 pounds I can handle him regardless. He enjoyed the crowd of people and everyone responded well to him. I think he's a dog who will need to get out and get seen in order to get adopted. He's a black dog, which is often a tough sell, and he's a little bit weird looking with his wiry coat, his sometimes erect ears, a tongue that seems to perpetually hang out one side of his mouth, and an overall look that doesn't look like anything in particular. But he's very earnest and enthusiastic, and cute in his own way.

He was good on the drive. I didn't have him in a crate but he stayed in back.

He's barely tall enough to order from the bar.

One of the things I liked most about Mitch is that he would just lay down at my feet,
 at least when there wasn't anything better to do.

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