Tuesday, October 17, 2023

D-Day for Della

Today was Della's dental day. She had two teeth extracted. One I knew about, it's a canine that has been broken since we got her. On our last annual vet visit that one was infected so it was time for it to come out. Last month we got the all clear from the cardiologist to proceed with the general anesthesia needed for today's dental procedure. It's over and she's back home and I'm relieved that it all went well. Thank you to Allison Kramer D.V.M., at the Old Dominion Animal Hospital, Crozet. 

Della is uncharacteristically sedate this evening, though that is certainly to be expected. She's also making some quiet vocalizations that are not normal for her, but I expect her mouth is quite sore. She will be getting pain medications and canned food for at least the next week, along with lots of kisses and sympathy, and pretty much anything she wants.

Della ate her dinner, though. She would have to be feeling really poorly to skip a meal. I can't say that she ever has. She has always had a rottweiler-like appetite. 

We got up before the sun this morning so I could get the fosters out and fed
and get Della out to the vet's office in Crozet.
 Clay took care of the rest of the household this morning.

Della in the back of my van, in line at Starbucks this morning.

Walking around the vet's office a bit before going in.

In the lobby.

Looking quite serious.
The only other time I've had to leave her at the vet was when she got spayed.

Coming out later this afternoon, ready to go home.

She laid down as soon as she hopped in and didn't get up until we got home.

Canned food for dinner for the next week.
 She will not hate that.

That's Della's removed canine tooth on the left.
The one on the right is from our rottie, Jack.
I've had it in a small, liquid-filled bottle for many years.
Della's will now join his.

In her crate upstairs in my office. That does appear to be a bit of blood
on her bed, but I was told to expect a bit of that.

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