Monday, October 16, 2023

Turning on the heat

Autumn hit right on schedule this year. We had a few days of clouds and rain along with cooler temps and the thermometer never hit 90 degrees again. It's just been the last few days that it really began to look and feel like fall, however. Shorter days, chilly mornings, and changing colors really speak of fall. After returning from this morning's walk with Della and Bailey, I turned on the heat. 

I got several walks in over the weekend, including a solo walk with Bailey where we worked on some training commands: sit, down, up, close, and look.  As I've observed before, she's very visually oriented and very attuned to movement. 

Della was not happy that I took Bailey without her so I made it up with another walk with just Della, Paisley, and Elvis. I left Bailey out in Daneland to play with Sherlock and Dodger while we were away. 

We also had a pasture run on Saturday that everyone enjoyed. It was the first time I've taken Candice out to the pasture with the others and she really seemed to enjoy it. She followed me on the mower and once again did far more running than I would have thought possible. 

Dodger is beginning to come around. He is much easier to get leashed when I bring him back inside in the evenings now. I still need to spend more time with him one-on-one, and even take him on a walk, but I'll be double-leashing him for a while.

Bailey pooped on this morning's walk and I discovered she's got tapeworms. I've got the meds, just need to figure out the dosage for her.

A very determined pair of walkers.

Teaching "up" to get her to jump up onto a table or the bleachers at the park was fun and easy.

She has a pretty good "sit." We have not worked on "stay" yet.

We ventured into the woods on a couple short stretches of trail.

Maya and Elvis are serious hunters when they were in the pasture together.

Bailey, Della, and Paisley

I turned around while riding the mower and got this picture.
That's Bailey and Maya in front, Paisley and Candice behind.

Candice enjoyed herself.

This was from the consolation hike with Della, Paisley, and Elvis,
to compensate for taking Bailey on a solo hike earlier.

Fall colors are so pretty.

A chilly early Monday morning walk.

Maya, under my desk in the office at home.

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