Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pasture pack and adoption event

Sunday was beautiful but I hadn't slept well and wasn't motivated to get out for a hike. I took a partial pack out to the pasture for a run instead. Bailey, Woody, SweetTart, and the puppy Elektra all had a great time. SweetTart might have preferred colder weather, but the rest of us were really enjoying the lovely spring-like day.


Bailey is out in front, then Woody and SweetTart, with Elektra brining up the rear.

Elektra (I just call her puppy).


Woody found a stick and we played fetch. We would still be out there playing fetch if it was up to him. My right arm can not throw at all right now so the best I could manage was a fling of the stick with my left. That was enough to satisfy him, as long as I kept doing it.

Elektra pouncing on Bailey, who was doing a play bow.
Elektra needs to get adopted soon because she will soon be bigger than Bailey.

In years past when I was with Virginia German Shepherd Rescue, I would often load up four or more fosters and drive up to an adoption event in northern Virginia. My van is set up with two crates behind the fronts seats and the space in the back can hold two or even three more dogs if everyone is friendly and cooperative. I don't usually have that many fosters at one time anymore, but I do currently have four and they all need to get adopted or moved someplace before our upcoming trip, just a month from now.

Green Dogs was having an adoption event at Petsmart today so I took Woody, SweetTart, Ted, and Elektra. This was after the pasture run so you'd think everyone would be tired, but the excitement of the new place and new people was enough to keep everyone keyed up. They all enjoyed it and everyone did very well with meeting the public and several other new dogs.

The highlight of the event, for me, was the fact that Elektra learned "sit"! I had never really taught her this most basic command because it really doesn't come up much around here. But all the volunteer handlers were packing treats and passing them out freely to any dog who would sit on command. Woody knows it and I was handling him and keeping the treats flowing. At one point when Elektra was nearby she noticed the treats and watched Woody sitting for them. I tried it with her and she caught on very quickly. She's a smart girl but she still has a problem with car sickness that we need to overcome.

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