They don't really live in that doghouse, but it's Copper's favorite spot to lay outside on a sunny day. Teddy sticks close to him and I think Copper uses him as a hot water bottle or electric blanket. Copper has the shortest coat of any dog we have right now and his pink skin looks cold sometimes so he likes to snuggle with Teddy.
It's a fair trade, because Teddy uses Copper as his security blanket. Teddy is still quite shy but he actually seems to have gained some confidence since buddying up to Copper.
They are a great pair. They sleep together, they play, and they seem to satisfy each other's need for companionship. Copper is still very happy to see me whenever I go out and I think it's rubbing off on Teddy, a little.
That's adorable.
A comment from an email:
I hope some great person comes along and takes the two guys together to keep them forever! They are so darn cute together and they seem to need each other.
I LOVE these pictures. Will the one dog's fur grow in to help keep him warm?
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