Vince |
Hank |
I've got some dogs here that I really need to start moving. Several aren't even posted yet so I can't really be surprised that folks aren't clamoring at my door to adopt. I guess I've gotten gun shy, a few failed adoptions make me think it's impossible, that no one is willing to modify their lifestyle to accomodate a dog, and that people are just generally too stupid. While I could support those statements with a LOT of evidence, it's obviously not a good attitude, and particularly not a productive attitude to have towards adoptions.
I talked to someone yesterday about Hank, but it's an older woman and she has a cat. The only dog I have with a known, cat-friendly history is Vince, and Vince is a senior dog.
Lana |
Dixie and Radley |
Max really needs to be back in someone's home. He is like Velco, very devoted, very needy. One spouse from his former owner was a small dog person and thought that Max was "lunging at her throat" every time he jumped up. That's just stupid.
Lana and Radley are sweet dogs, but both are part pitties, and as much as it pains me to save it, I'll never take another one because they are tough to adopt.
Dixie is a great dog, a great shepherd, but she's a female shepherd and few people have what it takes to handle one.
I'm even reluctant to put the puppies on the web. I'll get inquiries from people who think they are the perfect home because they have kids who want a puppy. Sorry, folks, but that's a strike against you, not a plus. They will be big dogs, how big I can't say. They aren't already housetrained, leash trained, and therapy certified. They are puppies. When they are adopted I want them to stay there, not be returned in five years when their owners move, get divorced, or start having babies of their own.
Max |
Dixie and Radley |
You can see my problem, I'm jaded and bitter. Perhaps a success or two will turn things around. I know it always come down to taking a leap of faith, but putting trust in people is getting harder and harder to do. In the meantime, we've worked out a sustainable routine around here, the dogs are happy and things are fine, at least until the puppies grow up.
Dixie |
I'm sorry you are feeling down. It's hard not to lose faith in people when you see so many sweet dogs left behind for such absurd reasons. You have to rememeber though, that you are doing something amazing for all of these critters:-) Look at the face on that Lana girl!!! Please don't be too down! Look at all those goofy and happy faces and remember that it's because of you that they are happy:-)
I adore the pitties. Unfortunately, they are hard to adopt. A lot of good people can't adopt them because their landlord won't allow it or something. Those two you have sure seem like good dogs though. You'll find good homes for them, I have no doubt.
Pits are hard to adopt out. So are big hounds, the Walker hounds, or "deer dogs". The problem with taking in dogs like this, even though they're good dogs, is that they "clog the system". They stay, and stay, occupying a slot that could be filled by other dogs who would be adopted quickly.
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